Clint McCune

SoulFood CoffeeHouse , 15748 Redmond Way, Redmond

ONLY LOVE WILL SAVE US will be a night of awareness of domestic violence and a celebration of LINDSAY HILLs life and the lives of all other victims of DV. The DV organization LIFEWIRE will be there to raise awareness and answer questions and there will be TWO awesome performances by JIM MARCOTTE AND THE BREAKTHROUGH and CLINT McCUNE and a SPECIAL APPEARANCE by The EMERALD CITY HEROES! This event will be FAMILY FRIENDLY (The kids will LOVE the superheroes and it's a great picture op!). It is a serious subject but it will be a NIGHT OF CELEBRATION and LOVE; getting to know our NEIGHBORS and DONATIONS. No cost at the door but please bring cash for the donations jar and band merchandise. A portion of all band proceeds and 100% of all donations will go 50/50 to LifeWire and to Lindsay's boys.